Saturday, 5 January 2013

The vultures would be proud

At the end of each long week, when the wife and I wake up and thank the first god to come along that it's the weekend, we celebrate with a high five followed by a leisurely breakfast. For two glorious days the sounds and smells of office and classroom are banished and the world becomes our lusciously prepared oyster. We can do anything we want, go anywhere (within reason) we fancy and be whomever we wish. 

So it emerges as a constant source of irritation that neither of us have the foggiest clue how we should spend our time. Shopping in Exeter bores the bejesus out of me and she isn't at all taken with sitting in pubs all day talking about action movies from the eighties. In exasperation we act out the vulture scene from The Jungle Book on a weekly basis:

BuzzieOkay, so what we gonna do? 
Flaps: I don't know, what you wanna do? 
Buzzie: Look, Flaps, first I say, "What we gonna do?" Then you say, "I don't know, what you wanna do?" Then I say, "What we gonna do?" You say, "What you wanna do?" "What we gonna do?" "What you want..." Let's do SOMETHING! 
Flaps: Okay. What you wanna do? 
Buzzie: Oh, blimey! There you go again. The same notes again! 
Ziggy: I've got it! This time, I've really got it! 
Buzzie: Now you've got it. So what we gonna do?

Having moved to Devon about three and a half years ago, this rankles in the extreme. Such a lovely county filled with wondrous places to visit and we end up nipping into town to pick up crap we don't need before heading home and half heartedly starting some ill advised DIY that will in all probability not get finished within  the year and eking out the rest of the weekend in front of the telly. 

Which is why I have a plan. I've only just this day thought of it, and it might take a long time to finish, but it is a plan nonetheless. Seeing the New Year has recently come a-flirting, and that we received a booklet entitled 'The Devon Beach and Cove Guide' at Christmas (from Lisa's mother I think), I hereby declare that we shall endeavour to visit each and every beach and cove of note that Devon has to offer. The ones, at least, that Mr Robert Hesketh has included in his rather light tome. That's 102 beaches and coves. 

It's something to do.  

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